Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Highlights and Lowlights: Available now!

Our administrator has written his first novella, Highlights and Lowlights. Below are links to it on the iBookstore and Amazon Kindle store. We hope you consider giving it a read!

iBooks: here

Amazon Kindle: here

Thank you all, and keep checking back for all your movie news! Remember... it's Oscar season.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back To The Action...

Sorry we've been gone. A move, incredibly drastic changes and a complete lack of time have prevented us from posting much of anything. No worries: we're back. And we're back when it counts.
Oscar season, baby. This is it. And 12 Years a Slave is coming. Gravity. Too many to name (check out our most anticipated list by clicking "Lists" above).
We've seen a few films since we've been in the dark, and here's a quick rundown. I have to make sure the review embargo of the other two have been lifted before I offer an opinion.

The Butler- 3/5

Further thoughts can be given if you ask in the comments below. Reviews will be written of films from now on if they have Oscar clout; otherwise, a number will be given as seen above.

Let's go, people. This is it. Back with more soon.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life #7: Oscar Season Approaches...

Gravity has premiered to rave reviews. Inside Llewyn Davis has premiered to rave reviews. 12 Years a Slave has premiered to rave reviews. Prisoners, All is Lost, and Blue is the Warmest Color the same. Scorsese, Jonze, Greengrass, Stiller, and Russell all have one on the way. Get pumped, it's here.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life #6: Special Review Coming...

Be on the lookout for a very special advanced review sometime in the next 36 hours... could go up at any time! You're not going to want to miss it!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Life #5: So Many Movies, So Little Time. Why Do It?

I am trying to plan a double feature for each of the next three days. People must think that I am wasting my time, but it is only because this is what I love. It's the same as practicing on a team or rehearsing for a show. I love film and spending my time with it. Each film is another reminder of why it exists, and what I do or don't think works in the medium. It is where I want my life to go, and, when I sit in a dark theater, I feel like I have found my niche. In that old seat.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Life #4: LCA Film is on Facebook!

Hey everybody!

LCA Film is officially on Facebook. Click here for the link.

Also, to the right of the homepage towards the top is a button to share the blog on Facebook. It would be much appreciated and easy as one click!

Thank you!
LCA Film

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Life #3: Happy Fourth of July!

I don't really have much to say, other than have a great Fourth of July. The next few days look pretty busy movie wise... Stay tuned!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Life #2

This is first and foremost a film website, but under the Life tab you can find certain asides that are posted when the time comes. This is a very personal one.

Today, two people I went to high school with passed away. One of them was a good friend of mine. We played baseball together when we were younger, and he was the one I wanted to be. He was taller and could hit home runs when I was barely making contact. In the hallways or out and about, he always greeted me with a smile and a quick but genuine conversation. It was a moment of the day I truly enjoyed.
It is not easy to understand why people are taken so young, or taken at all. Is it too much to ask to enjoy the company of someone who makes life a little easier forever? And why, as humans, were we given the ability to feel sadness? Is it not a difficult thing to know that someone is never going to say hello to you again?
In tragedy, communities come together. Vigils and wakes and funerals. A collective experience where everyone is there for each other. Therein lies the only beauty derived from a situation as terrible as this. Veiled beneath the cold cloak of loss, the human emotions of compassion, remembrance, and ultimately love emerge. The tight grasps of tear-stained hugs represent the bond that we share in life, and in the absence of life.
Please keep the families in your thoughts. Nobody should have to suffer this kind of loss. Let us find solace in the power of love that comes when we need it most.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Life #1

For the longest time, I knew movies were my calling. When most of my peers, young peers, slept with stuffed animals I was sleeping with a movie. There is a famous picture of me sleeping with a clunky plastic VHS at the age of about six. The first film I ever saw in theaters was Flubber, and it changed me. Even then, though I couldn't quite articulate it, I enjoyed being lost within both myself and the world on screen simultaneously. Only two things exist that alter your state of mind: drugs and film. I prefer the latter.

I went to acting school for 10 years in Manhattan before deciding, just two years ago, that it may be beneficial to attend college under a Film Production major; experience on both sides of the camera is key in finding a job and when I was admitted to USC I knew that was where I had to go.

I enjoy concerts a lot. I've come to realize that my love is mainly for the experience of things. I could see that a band is playing locally for very cheap and, even if I don't like them, I would check it out because it is doing something. I enjoy taking part in all parts of our cultural landscape and weaving myself into the fabric of entertainment. It is a great joy of mine to participate in shared events: movies, concerts, train rides, books. Everyone experiences the same things and then tells the story of that event to everyone they know; the catch being that everyone remembers it a little bit different. Therein lies the true gift that storytelling brings to our species: every possible outcome has been explored and shared.

I chose film as the path for my life, and while the reel clicks into place and the projector starts shining I look forward to sharing my stories, ideas, reviews, predictions, lists, and just about anything else I can think of on here with you. Maybe we are friends and maybe we never met. The point is that we all have stories to tell.