Friday, June 28, 2013

Life #1

For the longest time, I knew movies were my calling. When most of my peers, young peers, slept with stuffed animals I was sleeping with a movie. There is a famous picture of me sleeping with a clunky plastic VHS at the age of about six. The first film I ever saw in theaters was Flubber, and it changed me. Even then, though I couldn't quite articulate it, I enjoyed being lost within both myself and the world on screen simultaneously. Only two things exist that alter your state of mind: drugs and film. I prefer the latter.

I went to acting school for 10 years in Manhattan before deciding, just two years ago, that it may be beneficial to attend college under a Film Production major; experience on both sides of the camera is key in finding a job and when I was admitted to USC I knew that was where I had to go.

I enjoy concerts a lot. I've come to realize that my love is mainly for the experience of things. I could see that a band is playing locally for very cheap and, even if I don't like them, I would check it out because it is doing something. I enjoy taking part in all parts of our cultural landscape and weaving myself into the fabric of entertainment. It is a great joy of mine to participate in shared events: movies, concerts, train rides, books. Everyone experiences the same things and then tells the story of that event to everyone they know; the catch being that everyone remembers it a little bit different. Therein lies the true gift that storytelling brings to our species: every possible outcome has been explored and shared.

I chose film as the path for my life, and while the reel clicks into place and the projector starts shining I look forward to sharing my stories, ideas, reviews, predictions, lists, and just about anything else I can think of on here with you. Maybe we are friends and maybe we never met. The point is that we all have stories to tell.

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