Sunday, August 4, 2013

Batman vs. Superman... Who should fill Bruce Wayne's shoes?

Warner Brothers and DC Comics announced a 2015 feature starring Batman and Superman to be called either Batman vs. Superman or Batman & Superman. Henry Cavill is taking over Superman as he did in Man of Steel, but the internet is ablaze at the moment because nobody know who is going to play the legendary Batman (AKA who wants to fill Christian Bale's shoes). Comment below with your thoughts! Here are some options from LCA Film:

1. Jason Clarke- He proved he can be good-guy badass with Zero Dark Thirty, and bad-guy badass with White House Down. Let the man just be an overall badass Batman.

2. Guy Pearce- He has the look and can do gnarly roles like this pretty well. He would bring an emotional weight to Batman as well.

3. Christian Bale- The studios definitely want him back, and he said he's not doing it. This would be great though because he is the man who carried all three of Nolan's blockbuster films and he did perfectly.

4. Unknown Actor- It may not fill the seats like Bale did, so this is probably not going to happen. But audiences may appreciate seeing someone in the role who is talented yet acting on screen for the first time so there are no preconceived notions of what they should be doing.

Remember, comment below with your casting thoughts!

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